
Things pertaining to life: plants and animals, gardening, cooking, food, botany, zoology, farming, ranching, wildlife, genetics, plant breeding, software, media, etc.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
* Honeycomb F2
* Honeycomb x Torpeda F2
* Charley's Pride
* Noir De Carmes x Metki Dark Green Serpent F2
* ?Ashkahabad (if I have seeds)
* Orangeflesh Honeydew
* Canoe Creek Colossal
* Healy's Pride x Ginger's Pride F2
* Metki Dark Green Serpent '17

Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Rules and Information
How do I make it so only signed-in members may see my uploaded images?

Currently, you can't, but if there's enough interest, I could make a members-only forum (that only members could see) where you could upload your pictures. If you want them to show up in posts in other forums, just copy the HTML for the picture and paste it into your post.

Alternatively, you can use another website for that.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
So, I've had an apple intolerance since 2009. I started eating raw apples again recently, and they seem to be healthy for me again. However, I'm noticing that the apples have a lot more flavor and sweetness than I remember! They're like candy.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Rules and Information
People have their ideas. However, here we use it to refer to things that are about the site itself, rather than strictly about plants, food or other topics. StackExchange uses the term similarly.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
Not everyone is fond of the smell and/or flavor of epazote. Some compare it to kerosene and gasolene. I personally like the smell and the taste, though.

To change the taste significantly, I recommend cooking the leaves into something. It's different cooked, and you'll probably like it more.

To remove the taste altogether, I recommend freezing the leaves for a while, and then cooking with them. They still have the digestion benefits when they've been frozen.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Rules and Information
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Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
I laughed a surprising amount at some of these:

Sorry for the obstructive ads there.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
I grew a number of summer savory plants, this year. I left the plants out beyond the frost in hopes that they would reseed. I noticed the other day that the pods opened up and they have black seeds inside.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Rules and Information
Yes. Make your suggestions on this page.

Please know, however, that Nabble functions differently than many forum providers. So, some things that are difficult for others are easy here, and some things that are easy for others are difficult here.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Rules and Information
This website is not a democracy. I make up the rules here myself. There's no panel of people who vote on things. There's no popular vote among the members. Nabble has its rules on top of mine, though.

If you don't like the forum rules, you can talk to me about it, and see what I think. Don't get your hopes up terribly high, though. I am a reasonable person, but I'm also very unique and unlikely to be swayed by some popular arguments. That's my way of saying, Don't whine, pout, or complain if I say no.
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