
Things pertaining to life: plants and animals, gardening, cooking, food, botany, zoology, farming, ranching, wildlife, genetics, plant breeding, software, media, etc.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
So, someone wished us a happy World Cat Day, today (and the same time last year, if I remember right).

I looked it up, and Google kept telling me it wasn't today (but that it was August 8th). I did the same thing last year (to no avail at the time); this year, I discovered the problem:

It's National Cat Day, today--not World Cat Day (World Cat Day is August 8th). The nuances don't end there, however:

1. World Cat Day is also known as International Cat Day (which looks very similar to National Cat Day).
2. National Cat Day is celebrated in multiple countries.

So, there you go! You can celebrate cats twice a year.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life

The article above talks about how taking ketones (I'm not sure which kind or what amounts) three times a day for fourteen days helped to improve things like working memory, processing speed, and brain circulation (blood flow to the brain) in obese individuals.

Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life

This essentially says that Caenorhabditis elegans nematodes produce a milk-like substance for their young (and sacrifice themselves in the process). It's very interesting. They think this might have implications for slowing human aging.
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