
This is for things pertaining to life (such as plants, animals, food, and health). It's also for biological entities.
by Radishrain • | | 0 comments This talks about how consuming tomatoes reduces indicence of tumors from a certain kind of skin cancer, or some such. They only tested red and tangerine tomatoes (tangerine is a color gene for one of the orange kinds of tomatoes, which is more
by Radishrain • | | 0 comments Another benefit from viruses! :) tomato_
by Radishrain • | | 1 comment
Cilantrovaya_A F2 is the same plant as MKX_B. See the MKX_ project for earlier information about MKX_B: This project was named due to the first fruit of Cilantrovaya_A having a delayed aftertaste of fresh cilantro, and having Medovaya more
by Radishrain • | | 1 comment
I've long wondered whether wonderberries were polyploids or not, and it turns out, they are! Well, according to a couple sources on the Internet, anyway. I don't know if they're talking about research done on actual wonderberries sold as wonderberries or on Solanum retroflexum from Africa, or more
by Radishrain • | | 0 comments I found the above to be very insightful. Beware of the ads, though; as in, there are a lot of them (but if you search for articles on your typical search engine, it's probably something you're used to). Apparently, some plants produce gametes more
by Radishrain • | | 0 comments
See also this link: Wuler_ is a tomato project of mine ( see my ID system if you want to make sense of how I name plants within each project), to deal with segregations of and/or crosses with the unstable B.S.X. tomato seeds I received more
by Radishrain • | | 0 comments
Wuler_ is a tomato project of mine, to deal with segregations of and/or crosses with the unstable B.S.X. tomato seeds I received in 2019 (which have proven pretty cool). This is to distinguish it from the other B.S.X. tomatoes floating around that don't quite match mine in description, and to more
by Radishrain • | | 0 comments
I have mixed feelings about this article linked at the end of this post. On the one hand, it's great, because it has the potential to produce a great product. On the other hand, the implication seems to be that they're infecting chickens with a live COVID virus (they use the word 'infect', more
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