
This is for things pertaining to life (such as plants, animals, food, and health). It's also for biological entities.
by Radishrain • | | 0 comments
We had beef pot roast, along with many of the usual Thanksgiving items, this year. It was good. We haven't been going to the grocery store, due to the COVID-19 virus; so, that's why we didn't have turkey. Well, I had turkey Stove Top stuffing; so, maybe I ate some turkey? thanksgiving_ more
by Radishrain • | | 0 comments
At long last, here are some seeds rated for zones 4 through 9, and they're very inexpensive, too! I've never shopped with this vendor (so, I can't say what it's like).
by Radishrain • | | 0 comments
This smoothie was phenomenal! Excellent flavor and very nice creamy texture. My mom invented this smoothie. Ingredients: • 1 cup of frozen black/purple grapes (frozen in our freezer; harvested from our garden, this year) • 4 ripe bananas with black spots (frozen in our freezer; purchased more
by Radishrain • | | 0 comments
Macaroni and cheese is really good with artificial bacon bits added! bacon_bit macaroni_and_cheese wheat_
by Radishrain • | | 1 comment
So, I've decided to begin the process of trying to make homemade egg-free mayonnaise. I read that you need twice as much oil as milk. So, I put ¼ cup of evaporated milk and ½ cup of avocado oil in a blender and blended for a good while. No emulsification. I looked up natural emulsifiers and more
by Radishrain • | | 0 comments What if dinosaurs primarily lived in the ocean? Has anyone done any deep sea archeology, lately? The article doesn't speculate about that. ocean_
by Radishrain • | | 0 comments This sounds pretty good to know about, if it's true. study_ iq_ vitamin_ vitamin_d pregnancy_ baby_ brain_ development_
by Radishrain • | | 0 comments This tells about how clay nanoparticles can be used to make sandy desert areas perfectly farmable with traditional practices for about five years. It mentions how such a practice might become more
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