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Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
I'm quite impressed with all three Santo Domingo watermelon types, sonfar, this year. They each mature at different times. Santo domingo winter is the smallest. The other two get pretty large for winter watermelons, actually, and grow large for any watermelon type, so far, in my garden.

I've tasted the two earliest kinds, which are quite good. Santo Domingo Winter should be refrigerated before eating, IMO, however.

Here are the individual threads about them:
* Santo Domingo Winter
* Santo Domingo Dark Green
* Santo Domingo Brown Seeded

I got all my seeds from Native Seeds:
* Santo Domingo Winter
* Santo Domingo Dark Green
* Santo Domingo Brown Seeded
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
This thread is regarding the Santo Domingo Brown Seeded watermelon. For information about all three Santo Domingo watermelon breeds, see this link.

The first fruit on the plant is ripening. It's probably ripe already, but I want to give it another day or so, just in case. The tendril is pretty much shriveled. It could be shriveled a touch more; so, that's why I want to leave it on a little more.
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