
Things pertaining to life: plants and animals, gardening, cooking, food, botany, zoology, farming, ranching, wildlife, genetics, plant breeding, software, media, etc.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Rules and Information
For your own forum website, see this: http://radishrain.321.s1.nabble.com/Can-I-talk-about-my-own-forum-here-td648.html

Linking to other websites is encouraged, where it is both legal and ethical to do so, so long as the links are helpful and/or constructive (even if they belong to another forum like this one). If they are just sales pitches, providing little or no benefit to others, then such is discouraged. If you're doing a sales pitch, please actually say so; it's not all-out forbidden, but I may moderate away some posts, if I don't think they contribute to the site very well. Don't repost the same thing over and over again, either, please.

If a site has particularly objectional content for families or sensitive individuals, please say so (or don't post it; some links may be deleted). If the site has many authors (such as a forum), you only need to mention objectional content if it's on the specific page that you're linking to—unless the topic of the entire forum is objectional or something.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Rules and Information
Yes, but if you encourage users to abandon this one, I may edit that out of your posts or something.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Rules and Information
No. Research your own facts. This website is primarily for discussion (not consensus). Users and administrators will probably make an effort to ensure they say true stuff, and create true content, but people aren't perfect. People may intend their words to be interpreted differently than you interpret them, too (so while what they meant could potentially be true, how you interpret it could be to be something false).

The content here is for perspective, not for evidence.

I require my users to have a certain amount of independence.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
I'm still trying to figure this one out. Raspberries contain a lot of useful chemicals.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
My web searches told me that anthocyanins made strawberries red. I was surprised at that (since anthocyanins make things purple and ultra violet, and strawberries are not purple), but yeah; maybe there are more kinds of anthocyanins.

I would have guessed that lycopene made them red.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
I'd think lycopene would make red peppers red, since it makes red tomatoes red, and peppers and tomatoes are in the same family. However websites give conflicting information. One sight says red peppers are one of the fruits that do not contain lycopene, but some other sites say they do.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
I found this article that said a couple things that really stuck out to me. It talked about how zeaxanthin helps filter out blue light from the eyes, and how raspberries can protect the eyes from UV damage. As someone with light sensitivity who wears blue-blocking glasses and such at times, and avoids fluorescent lights much of the time, that is very interesting.

Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
I harvested a few watermelons today. There are probably plenty more ready to be picked. One of them was one of my heretofore unharvested unlabeled watermelons. It looks like a winter watermelon, which surprised me a bit, as I thought I had labeled them all. I don't think it's King Winter or Santo Domingo Winter. It might be Navajo Winter, Wintermelon, or Winter Queen, but I'm at a loss. My guess is Wintermelon.

Here it is:
A winter watermelon of an unknown breed.
A winter watermelon of an unknown breed.

Here are the other two that I harvested, today (the one in the back is larger than it appears, and it is Santo Domingo Brown Seeded; the one in the front is either Corner Round or from the third plant in the same spot—either way, it tasted and smelled pretty great; I didn't save seeds; Corner Long isn't ripe, yet):
Dark green watermelons.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
I harvested about 45lbs of West India burr gherkins. They weighed in at 49lbs, but that was including the bowls and leaves, and I was optimistic where the scale was ambiguous.

Closer pictures:

Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Rules and Information
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This site is essentially my blog (but you can participate).

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The rules might look lengthy and complicated, but if you don't get offended easily by moderation, you'll probably be okay.

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However, please do not treat individual threads like forums, especially if a forum with the same topic already exists. In other words, if it's foreseeable that your thread could have been five hundred threads, please make five hundred threads instead of one (the reason is that a single thread in this context would mostly only be easily useful to the participants, with newcomers having to read a lot of unnecessary material to find out what is appropriate to say). Similarly, try not to derail threads, but if you do, please edit the subject to be something that matches your new thought. Thread subjects should generally be quite specific. For instance, try not to make a thread called Melons, 2020 (because it might absorb everyone's posts that year and make individual ones hard to find). Consider tagging all your posts with a tag for that year instead.

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