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Here, you may discuss software applications (apps), websites, source code, etc. Some types of software are on-topic in other forums (e.g. e-books, audiobooks, video games, interactive fiction, hypertext fiction, digital music, and digital video).


by Radishrain • Aug 31, 2021 | 96 views | 0 comments
ki.growspice.com https://github.com/kumoshk/ki Ki is a command-line Python program that assists you in navigating the Linux command-line quickly and efficiently. It should assist with the following tasks: * Quickly finding and opening files, even if they're in complex directory structur...read more
by Radishrain • Mar 01, 2021 | 314 views | 2 comments
See also • https://www.growspice.com/Termux-tricks-td3491.html So, now that I have an Android device and a bluetooth keyboard for it, I've decided to use Termux (downloaded from the F-Droid appstore). I've been wanting to program, write and stuff on a command-line app for Termux; so, after r...read more
by Radishrain • Sep 22, 2022 | 58 views | 3 comments
https://medium.com/nerd-for-tech/how-to-install-unsupported-bluetooth-5-0-dongle-on-linux-4bf34aa99fed The above link might be insightful in getting newer adapters to work for Linux. Be careful when picking an adapter--not just because they're not all advertised for Linux use, but because ...read more
by Radishrain • Sep 16, 2022 | 20 views | 0 comments
https://docs.python.org/3.10/tutorial/datastructures.html Here's a link where it talks about list comprehensions. List comprehensions are when you do such as `myList=[v+2 for v in anotherList]`. What this does is make `myList` equal to a new list wherein every item of `anotherList` has bee...read more
by Radishrain • Sep 14, 2022 | 29 views | 0 comments
Today, I learned the hard way that it really isn't a good idea to type the following, and say yes to the prompt that follows without paying much attention to what it says it's going to uninstall along with it (I knew better, a lot better, but I was irritated, and was in a risk-taking mood): ...read more
by Radishrain • Jul 14, 2022 | 71 views | 1 comment
See the answer that mentions it here: https://softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/83502/offline-music-player-for-androids-without-ads/83513#83513 It's the best command-line media player I've found, so far.
by Radishrain • Dec 09, 2021 | 37 views | 0 comments
Other than the usual Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Ecosia, Yandex, etc., here's a list of search engines that are remarkable: * startpage.com (added on 22 May 2023) * gigablast.com * mojeek.com Interesting meta search engines: * metager.org Limited scope: * sweetsearch.com (for studen...read more
by Radishrain • Sep 21, 2021 | 26 views | 0 comments
https://terralang.org This language looks pretty awesome. Basically, it's a low-level language wrapped in a high-level language (Lua), and it has access to C libraries. So, you in your code, you have Lua code on the outside, Terra code within special Terra functions, and you can access C w...read more
by Radishrain • Sep 08, 2021 | 25 views | 0 comments
Here's an awesome extensible MUD server for Python: https://github.com/Frimkron/mud-pi You don't have to use it to make MUDs, of course. It appears that you could use it to easily make text-based, interactive websites with user accounts and stuff (but yeah, telnet's not secure; so, you pro...read more
by Radishrain • Sep 08, 2021 | 54 views | 0 comments
1. Install Termux. 2. On Termux, type `pkg install openssh`. 3. On your Xubuntu desktop open a command-line and type `sudo apt install openssh-server` (if it's not already installed and running). 4. On Termux, type `ssh -Y [Your username]@[Your desktop computer's IP Address]` where your usern...read more
by Radishrain • Mar 19, 2021 | 1384 views | 1 comment
Also see: • https://www.growspice.com/A-desktop-user-s-guide-to-Nano-a-command-line-text-editor-td3471.html Termux is basically a command-line Linux distribution that you can use on Android. You can download it here: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.termux/ You can either download F-D...read more
by Radishrain • Mar 05, 2021 | 29 views | 0 comments
wikiweb.growspice.com This thread is for discussion of the wikiweb Python 3.x modules. To download it, go here , click on the Code drop-down button and click Download ZIP.
by Radishrain • Feb 20, 2021 | 10 views | 0 comments
This thread is for software goals of mine, one goal per post. Develop a command-line text editor (yes, command-line text editors and even word processors exist: e.g. WordGrinder, Nano, and Norton Textra Writer) that 1. Fully supports Unicode, and that has the standard navigation and editin...read more
by Radishrain • Feb 17, 2021 | 15 views | 0 comments
I've been trying out Android 10 with my new tablet. It's a Vastking Kingpad SA10 . I liked it quite a bit as is, but I just got a new bluetooth keyboard to go with it, and now I've got all kinds of features; so, it's a lot like a laptop now in its functionality (there's hidden functionality that...read more
by Radishrain • Jan 21, 2021 | 85 views | 0 comments
https://m.gutenberg.org/ebooks.opds/ The above is the URL that you need to use the Gutenberg.org catalog on FBReader.
by Radishrain • Jan 16, 2021 | 16 views | 0 comments
Okay, so for a long time now, I've had a problem on my Kindle Fire where my email account shows up twice on the email app. I finally discovered that this seems to have been caused by me clearing the app data on the email app without also clearing the app data on my calendar app (apparently, clea...read more
by Radishrain • Jul 24, 2020 | 18 views | 0 comments
I have a proposition for a new kind of web browser (and Internet). Purposes: * To speed up the Internet. * To prevent jagged, jumping page loads. Page loads should be smooth and not interfere with using the site or reading the text that has already loaded. * To optimize client-side efficie...read more
by Radishrain • Jun 24, 2020 | 42 views | 0 comments
https://www.androidpolice.com/2020/06/15/google-confirms-experiment-to-remove-full-address-from-url-bar-in-chrome-details-opt-out-mechanism/ People should be concerned about more than security here. Knowing the URL is important for a lot of purposes that are not security-related. Security is ...read more
by Radishrain • Jan 17, 2020 | 32 views | 0 comments
This is a great, configurable app, so far. I just got it a few hours ago or so. You can even change the pitch of the beep, and configure what it says. You can have multiple chime configurations/schedules. https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.github.axet.hourlyreminder/
by Radishrain • Dec 12, 2019 | 44 views | 0 comments
Pros: * Pretty fast and functional on a desktop or laptop. * You can edit the sidebar on the main gardenweb.com page to make the site easier to navigate. (Please do it as often as desired.) * There is a wide variety of forums. * It has a decently large user-base. * It's been around for a lo...read more
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