
Things pertaining to life: plants and animals, gardening, cooking, food, botany, zoology, farming, ranching, wildlife, genetics, plant breeding, software, media, etc.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
I posted the following on our old forum on 18 Jun 2019:

This year, I've been seeing a lot of what I think are painted lady butterflies.

When I was a child, I used to see what appeared to be common leopard butterflies fairly often, but I don't recall seeing any in recent years.

I saw monarch butterflies on rare occasions, as a child, but more commonly, I would see butterflies that looked similar to monarchs. (They weren't common either, though.)

I've also seen kinds I haven't identified, yet, with white wings, pastel yellow wings, and such. I may or may not have seen them in recent years.

Anyway, I've decided I should learn more butterfly names, of those I see locally. It's nice to know what they are. I spent most of my life just knowing what monarch butterflies are. Why not learn more? I mean, the common ones, too?

Hopefully I can snag some pictures of the local butterflies.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
We had plenty of wasps earlier in the season, this year, but I haven't seen many since! Usually they're all over the place for basically the whole growing season.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Rules and Information
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Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Rules and Information
For your own forum website, see this: http://radishrain.321.s1.nabble.com/Can-I-talk-about-my-own-forum-here-td648.html

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Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Rules and Information
Yes, but if you encourage users to abandon this one, I may edit that out of your posts or something.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Rules and Information
No. Research your own facts. This website is primarily for discussion (not consensus). Users and administrators will probably make an effort to ensure they say true stuff, and create true content, but people aren't perfect. People may intend their words to be interpreted differently than you interpret them, too (so while what they meant could potentially be true, how you interpret it could be to be something false).

The content here is for perspective, not for evidence.

I require my users to have a certain amount of independence.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
I'm still trying to figure this one out. Raspberries contain a lot of useful chemicals.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
My web searches told me that anthocyanins made strawberries red. I was surprised at that (since anthocyanins make things purple and ultra violet, and strawberries are not purple), but yeah; maybe there are more kinds of anthocyanins.

I would have guessed that lycopene made them red.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
I'd think lycopene would make red peppers red, since it makes red tomatoes red, and peppers and tomatoes are in the same family. However websites give conflicting information. One sight says red peppers are one of the fruits that do not contain lycopene, but some other sites say they do.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
I found this article that said a couple things that really stuck out to me. It talked about how zeaxanthin helps filter out blue light from the eyes, and how raspberries can protect the eyes from UV damage. As someone with light sensitivity who wears blue-blocking glasses and such at times, and avoids fluorescent lights much of the time, that is very interesting.

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