
Things pertaining to life: plants and animals, gardening, cooking, food, botany, zoology, farming, ranching, wildlife, genetics, plant breeding, software, media, etc.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
* See wonderberry tag.

Off-site (see here, too, if you read any of these threads):
* https://www.homesteadingtoday.com/threads/anyone-ever-grow-wonderberry-plants.298177/
* https://permies.com/t/38606/wonderberry-aka-sunberry-solanum-burbankii (These people have obviously never tried them on pizza or in frittatas; the picture there doesn't look like a wonderberry plant to me! Maybe it's chichiquelite, black nightshade, or a hybrid with a wonderberry. Get your wonderberries from Trade Winds Fruit if you want ones like mine. Or just ask me for some seeds!)
* https://forums.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/threads/growing-luther-burbanks-wonderberry-bush-from-seed.58548/ (Mine don't have an 'eggplant-ish flavor', but Otricoli Orange Berry and chichiquelite maybe had one. They were first named wonderberries, not sunberries as stated; sunberry was the rebranding.)
* https://www.houzz.com/discussions/2153604/contemplating-a-wonderberry
* http://tomatoville.com/showthread.php?t=35175
* http://www.tomatoville.com/showthread.php?t=22383
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
The northwest side of the house is cleaned up, as of now (wonderberries, West India burr gherkins, squash, the Kikinda Competition Strain edible gourd, and Morelle De Balbis). The Morelle De Balbis was still alive, though, but we needed to make room for wood for the winter. I put wonderberry fruits in all the planting spots so they'll volunteer next year (although we likely won't keep them in every single spot). I pulled up the Early Girl F1 tomato, two out of three of the squash, and most of the West India burr gherkins a while ago, though.

We still have the tomatoes, peppers, muskmelons, watermelons, and other stuff in the backyard to pull up.

Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
The Navajo Red watermelon is a winter watermelon (meaning it might keep in storage for up to three or four months or so). It has a unique rind appearance. It has reddish seeds. They're not quite as red as Red-seeded Citron (but look similar in color to brown seeds like those of Santo Domingo Brown Seeded).

I grew it in 2017, and it was productive, but there wasn't much taste.

I decided to give it another chance in 2019. I figured it might taste better with warmer soil (with black plastic). I used seeds I saved from 2017. One plant was an obvious cross (I grew three plants in the same spot), but the others looked the same as before.

Anyway, I ate the largest one yesterday. It still looked the same inside and out, seeds and all. However, it tasted amazing! The flavor is kind of like that of Tom Watson (but not quite as finely and intensely sweet to my tongue). The flesh was dense with good texture. It seemed to be a strong diuretic. I'm definitely glad I gave it a second chance! Definitely a favorite for flavor. Of course, I grew about 70 kinds of watermelons in 2017; so, it might be a cross, even though it doesn't look like one (however, I could be wrong, but I think red seeds are recessive to other types). I would rank the flavor above that of Santo Domingo Brown Seeded (another favorite; ranking above it means it's very awesome). I set aside the seeds to zap and save later. It should be noted that my plant this year was in partial shade (so, it's even more impressive that it tasted awesome).

I also ate the obvious cross, which had white seeds, and wasn't fully ripe. It tasted like it was starting to ferment. I didn't save seeds.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Other
This fascinating article gives us quite a bit of reason to question how healthy Wi-Fi emissions are for us: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0013935118300355
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Other
This article is insightful: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mental-wealth/201409/why-cfls-arent-such-bright-idea

I disagree about the order of which lights are healthiest, though, based on personal experience. This is the order I would say instead:
* Halogen, LED, incandescent, fluorescent.

Halogen, in my opinion, is by far the healthiest per lumen. It's only a problem if there's very much of it (as in more than one 60 watt equivalent lamp being on at the same time).

Fire light usually isn't bright enough to be of any concern; I don't know what symptoms I would have if it were brighter (other than being hot). It's relaxing.

Sunlight can cause me some issues, but it usually feels good.

Fluorescent light is an issue no matter how bright it is (I don't know why), and no matter how long an isolated exposure (but brighter and longer exposure does cause more issues). Less frequent exposure does make it feel a lot better. Fluorescent light can also give me issues that only begin hours after exposure.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
I harvested and boiled some horseradish greens, today. I was expecting them to taste like cabbage! But, no. They taste very unique! They're good. They still taste a bit like good sandwiches, interestingly, but cooking for a good while did take the spiciness out. They're a touch bitter, but not nearly as severe as boiled arugula. It tastes minty. They retain significantly more texture than boiled spinach. All in all, I like it.

I'm guessing you could wrap things to grill in horseradish leaves.

There were aphids, caterpillars (small green ones), and caterpillar eggs on some of the leaves.

Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
This article says red peppers contain luteolin, which is supposed to be good for the brain, and where inflammation is implicated, for memory: https://psychcentral.com/news/2010/10/15/feeling-more-forgetful-as-you-age-eat-peppers/19625.html

Luteolin is also is carrots, celery, and olive oil, among other things, according to the article.

Note that peppers also are supposed to contain apigenin, which also has brain benefits.
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
Radishrain by Radishrain @ in Life
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