Tomatoville is being discontinued

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Posted by Radishrain Radishrain
On 31 Dec 2019, Tomatoville is scheduled to go down forever. Mischka announced this yesterday. It looks likely that the user named Rajun_Gardener has acquired the domain (but I'm uncertain if was the domain in consideration). It is unclear what Rajun_Gardener plans to do with the domain. It is also unclear how much of's data Mischka will publicly archive.

On the other hand, there are plenty of other online gardening communities. Check out this list (please tell me any I'm missing):

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Radishrain Radishrain
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Re: Tomatoville is being discontinued

Tomatoville is staying around, after all, but many people migrated to Tomatovillians (which is changing its name to TomatoJunction).
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