Today's West India burr gherkin harvest

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Posted by Radishrain Radishrain
I harvested about 45lbs of West India burr gherkins. They weighed in at 49lbs, but that was including the bowls and leaves, and I was optimistic where the scale was ambiguous.

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Radishrain Radishrain
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Re: Today's West India burr gherkin harvest

It's a good thing I have multiple layers of skin, because today I processed those burr gherkins (and threw out the ones that were potentially going bad; I put most of those in the soil to compost and reseed next year); well, some I set aside for seed-saving (those were the largest ones on top). I mean I took the stems off and cut the fruits in halves and fourths for the largest ones. They're in a stock pot waiting to be pickled.

Anyway, handling all those burr gherkins frayed the dead skin on some of my digits, but that's about it.
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
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