I've had seeds available to grow the Rutgers tomato for years. I've finally decided it's time. I'm growing a plant, this year. I've heard it's similar to Marion (and I love Marion). I got the seeds from the Dollar Tree (American Seed, packed for 2019; yes, I got new seeds, since the other ones I had available as early as 2014 were a relative's).
Note that
the original Rutgers is indeterminate. I believe mine is determinate or semi-determinate, but I am interested in the original.
Offsite articles:•
Tatiana's TOMATObase•
Dave's Garden•
Bonnie PlantsOffsite forum search results:•
Google: Dave's Garden•
Google: freeforums.net•
Google: Gardenweb•
Google: proboards.com•
Google: Tomatovilleheirloom_tomato