Radishrain's 2022 growlog

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Posted by Radishrain Radishrain

I began my growlog at the following website (see that for earlier information):


- The names on my growlist with hyphens are seed names; those with underscores are plant names. If it just ends with an underscore, that's the project name. See my plant ID system.
- I planted more varieties than are mentioned in this post, but those died.]

Ground cherries x 1 (unknown variety that is not Aunt Molly's; it is one I've grown before, though, and looks the same as Aunt Molly's)

Sweet peppers x 6:
- Big Red x 1
- Canary Bell x 5

[For my 2023 tomato to-grow list, click here.]
- Amana Orange x 11
- Aunt Ginny's Purple x 2
- Big Cheef x 1
- Brandy Boy F2 x 3 (Broy_A, Broy_A0, and Broy_A1)
- Brandy Boy F11 x 4
- Brandywine Pink x 1
- Carbon x 2
- Carolina Yellow x 2
- Gold Medal x 1
- Hamson x 2
- Italian Heirloom x 1
- MKX-A x 3 (MKX_B/Cilantrovaya_A, MKX_B0, and MKX_B1)
- Morsel-A x 1 (Morsel_B)
- Nina-A x 2 (Nina_B, Nina_B0)
- Pearler-A x 4 (Pearler_B, Pearler_B0, Pearler_B1, and Pearler_B2)
- Roma VF x 3
- Snacker-B x 8 (Snacker_C, Snacker_C0, Snacker_C1, Snacker_C2, Snacker_C3, Snacker_C4, Snacker_C5, and Snacker_C6)
- Volunteers x 9 (probably Cosmic Eclipse x 1, BSX cross x 3, Galapagos Island x 4, and not sure about the PL with large cotyledons)

Watermelons x 12 to 24 (not transplanted, yet; 13 have sprouted):
- King Winter x 12
- Winter Queen x 12

Wonderberries x 13:
- Transplants x 2
- Volunteers x 11

Garden map:

- MKX_ is the project name for my Medovaya Kaplya cross. MKX_A was the F1.
- Broy_ is my Brandy Boy F2+ project (Broy_A is an F2). I grew the F1 that I saved the seeds from.
- Nina_ is my Early Girl growout project, with Nina_A being my most prolific RL in 2017. Nina_A was probably an F3 (but possibly an F4). The F1 was a BonniePlants storebought plant grown in 2014, which had 52-day fruit (in practice) and tasted amazing. The F2 tasted amazing, too, but different.
- Wuler_ is a project that arose from an unstable B.S.X. tomato, which was possibly one or two crosses beyond the initial.
- Cilantrovaya_ (Cilantrovaya_A is MKX_B; the first fruit, at least, had a fresh cilantro aftertaste, after a while; Cilantrovaya_A has yellow round-ish fruit, the size of a large cherry tomato; there were 80 good-sized seeds in the first fruit 54 days to fruit coloring from transplant; 55 to when I ate it, but it needed to ripen probably a day to three days longer; fruity/honey-like smell/aftertaste)

Main plot (SW-ish)

Row 1
- Cilantrovaya_A F2 tomato (historically the best spot in the garden, production-wise; transplanted 20 May; PL; first tomato to set fruit, which happened on 10 Jun; 7 fruts set by 20 Jun)
- Snacker_C tomato (transplanted 20 May; PL; set a fruit by 24 Jun)
- Snacker_C0 tomato (transplanted 20 May; PL; set at least two fruits by 24 Jun)
- Snacker_C1 tomato (transplanted 20 May; PL; set fruit by 28 Jun)
- MKX_B0 F2 tomato (transplanted 20 May; RL; set fruit before 7 Jul)
- Cherokee Yellow Perfection Peach tomato (B; transplanted 20 May; from fruit #3; RL; set fruit by 28 Jun)

Row 2
- MKX_B1 F2 tomato (transplanted 20 May; RL; set fruit by 29 Jun)
- Aunt Ginny's Purple tomato (B; transplanted 20 May; PL)
- Brandywine Pink tomato (A; transplanted 21 May; PL; set fruit by 12 Jul)
- Carolina Yellow tomato (A; transplanted 21 May; RL; set fruit before 7 Jul)
- Empty: was v22_A or MKX_B2 F2 tomato, but I pulled it up (transplanted 20 May; RL; the original transplant died, but another tomato sprouted, this one PL, with the former being RL--whether it was from the same container or the garden soil, I'm not sure, but I'm guessing it's from the same container, since it's PL, and most of the tomatoes there last year were RL; if it's MKX_, then it would have a chance of being RL or PL)

Row 3
- Snacker_C2 tomato (transplanted 20 May; PL; set fruit by 29 Jun)
- Hamson tomato (A; transplanted 21 May; this is the older plant; RL; set fruit by 1 Jul)
- Big Cheef tomato (A; transplanted 21 May; PL; set fruit by 12 Jul)
- Empty; was v22_A0 (RL volunteer tomato; probably Cosmic Eclipse; set fruit by 28 Jun), but I pulled it up on account of the bronzed foliage that seemed to be due to disease
- Carolina Yellow tomato (A0; transplanted 21 May; RL; set fruit by 1 Jul)

Row 4
- Empty
- Empty
- Empty
- Empty
- Empty

Row 5
- v22_A1 (PL; very long cotyledons; set fruit before 7 Jul; I'm guessing this is a Snacker_ tomato)
- Empty
- Empty: was u22_A (PL; split off from Roma VF A1 and transplanted on 3 Jun)
- Italian Heirloom (A; transplanted 25 May; wispy RL; set fruit before 7 Jul)
- Empty

Row 6
- Empty
- Frog Princess tomato (A; transplanted 21 May; RL; set fruit by 23 Jun; this was the first tomato of its size or larger to set fruit; has set at least--probably several more--15 fruits by 12 Jul)
- Empty
- Snacker_C3 (was with Snacker_C2, but pulled up and put here on 2 Jun; PL; set fruit by 7 Jul)
- Empty

Row 7
- Wonderberry
- Broy_A F2 tomato (transplanted 21 May; PL; set fruit significantly before 7 Jul)
- Empty; was Broy_A0 F2 tomato (transplanted 21 May; PL), but I pulled it up on Jul 11 because it seemed to be succombing to a disease (probably Verticillium wilt)
- Empty
- Wonderberry

Row 8
- Wonderberry
- Broy_A1 F2 tomato (transplanted 21 May; PL; set fruits by 8 Jul)
- Empty
- Snacker_C4 (was with Snacker_C2, but pulled up and put here on 2 Jun; PL)
- Empty

Row 9
- Wonderberry
- Empty; was a wonderberry, but I pulled it up on 11 Jul as it was succombing to a disease (probably verticillium wilt)
- Wonderberry
- Empty
- Nina_B RL (transplanted 25 May)

Row 10
- Wonderberry
- Wonderberry
- Wonderberry
- Wonderberry
- Nina_B0 (split off from Nina_B and transplanted on 3 Jun; RL; set fruit by 13 Jul)
- Empty
- Empty
- Wonderberry

West plot by sidewalk corner (north to south rows; east to west columns):
Row 1:
- Roma VF (A; RL; set fruit by 7 Jul)
- Empty
- v22_A3 (probably Galapagos Island; RL; set fruit by 7 Jul)
- Empty: was v22_A4, but got herbicide on it (probably Galapagos Island; RL)

Row 2:
- Roma VF (A0; RL; set two fruits by 29 Jun)
- Empty
- Snacker_C5 (split off from Snacker_C1 and transplanted on 3 Jun; PL; set fruit by 11 Jul)

Row 3:
- Roma VF (A1; RL; set fruit by 7 Jul)
- Empty
- Snacker_C6 (split off from Snacker_C1 and transplanted on 3 Jun; PL; set fruit by 7 Jul)

Row 4
- Empty
- Wonderberry volunteer

SE Plot:

Row 1

- Amana Orange tomato (B1A; transplanted 24 May, in the evening; RL)
- Canary Bell pepper (A; transplanted 24 May, in the evening)
- Canary Bell pepper (A0; transplanted 24 May, in the evening)
- Canary Bell pepper (A1; transplanted 24 May, in the evening)
- Canary Bell pepper (A2; transplanted 24 May, in the evening)
- Canary Bell pepper (A3; transplanted 24 May, in the evening)
- Big Red pepper (A; transplanted 24 May, in the evening)

Row 2:
- Empty
- Wuler_C (v22_A5 PL; set fruit by 10 or 11 Jul)
- Wuler_C0 (v22_A6 PL; set fruit by 10 or 11 Jul)
- Wuler_C1 (v22_A7 PL; set fruit by 7 Jul)
- v22_A8 RL (probably Galapagos Island; set fruit by 20 Jun)
- v22_A9 RL (probably Galapagos Island; set fruit by 20 Jun)
- v22_A10 RL (probably Galapagos Island; set fruit by 22 Jun)
- Empty

Row 3
- Amana Orange tomato (B1A0; transplanted 21 May, in the morning; RL)
- Amana Orange tomato (B1A1; transplanted 21 May, in the morning; RL; set fruit by 12 Jul)
- Amana Orange tomato (B1A2; transplanted 21 May, in the morning; RL)
- Amana Orange tomato (B1A3; transplanted 21 May, in the morning; RL; set fruit by 7 Jul)
- Amana Orange tomato (B1A4; transplanted 21 May, in the morning; RL; set fruit by 12 Jul)
- Amana Orange tomato (B1A5; transplanted 21 May, in the morning; RL)
- Amana Orange tomato (B1A6; transplanted 21 May, in the morning; RL; set fruit by 12 Jul)
- Amana Orange tomato (B1A7; transplanted 21 May, in the morning; RL; set fruit by 12 Jul)

Row 4
- Amana Orange (B1A8; transplanted 25 May; RL)

Row 5
- Aunt Ginny's Purple (B0; transplanted 25 May; PL)
- Empty
- Brandy Boy F11 tomato (B; transplanted 24 May, in the morning; PL; set fruit by 12 Jul)
- Carbon tomato (B; transplanted 24 May, in the morning; RL)
- Brandy Boy F11 tomato (B0; transplanted 24 May, in the morning; this is the one I seeded later; it's parent was here; PL)
- Carbon tomato (B0; transplanted 24 May, in the evening; RL; set fruit recently before 7 Jul)

Row 6
- Empty; was Gold Medal (A; transplanted 25 May; RL; it caught whatever Morsel_B had, and I pulled it up on 15 Jul)
- Empty; was Morsel_B F2 (transplanted 25 May; RL; set fruits by 22 Jun), but pulled it up on 11 Jul as it was succombing to a disease (probably Verticillium wilt, sans the chlorosis)
- Empty (was Cherokee Golden A; transplanted 25 May; pulled up on 15 Jun, since it was almost dead and it was only an inch tall or so)
- Brandy Boy F11 tomato (B1; transplanted 24 May, in the morning; PL; set fruit by 12 Jul)
- Brandy Boy F11 tomato (B2; transplanted 24 May, in the morning; PL; set fruit by 7 Jul)
- Pearler_B F3 (transplanted 25 May; RL; set fruit by 1 Jul)

Row 7
- Empty; was Ground cherry--not Aunt Molly's (B?; transplanted from a foam cup on 27 May; was Carolina Yellow, transplanted 25 May, but that Carolina Yellow died), but pulled up the ground cherry on account of foliar disease symptoms, or some such.
- Pearler_B0 F3 (transplanted 25 May; RL; set fruit by 13 Jul)

Row 8
- Empty
- Pearler_B2 (split off from Pearler_B0 and transplanted on 3 Jun; RL)
- Empty
- Hamson (A0; transplanted 25 May; RL; set fruit by 13 Jul)
- Empty
- Empty

Row 9
- Empty
- Empty
- Amana Orange (B1A9; transplanted 25 May; RL)
- Empty
- Empty

Row 10
- empty
- empty
- empty (was Malva neglecta)
- empty
- empty
- empty
- Wonderberry (transplanted from a foam cup on 27 May)
- Wonderberry (transplanted from a foam cup on 27 May)
- Pearler_B1 F3 (transplanted 25 May; RL; set fruit by 1 Jul)

Row 11
- Empty
- Empty
- Chicory
- Empty
- Empty (was Malva neglecta)
- Empty
- Empty
- Empty


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Radishrain Radishrain
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Re: Radishrain's 2022 growlog

Today: 101/69; UVI 9.2
Tomorrow: 103/69; UVI 10

I checked the plants, and the following have set fruit:

- All the wonderberries (many of them set fruit quite a while ago, but I didn't check all the plants to be sure until today)
- Hamson (A0)
- Nina_B0
- Pearler_B0
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Radishrain Radishrain
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Re: Radishrain's 2022 growlog

In reply to this post by Radishrain
Today: 103/68; UVI 9.4
Tomorrow: 101/66; UVI 10
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Radishrain Radishrain
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Re: Radishrain's 2022 growlog

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In reply to this post by Radishrain
MKX_B's first fruit is ripening. It's kind of an orange-ish yellow, so far. I'm not sure whether it's turning red or yellow.

Edit: I'd call it a honey yellow, which is interestingly similar to what I would call Medovaya Kaplya's yellow.
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Radishrain Radishrain
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Re: Radishrain's 2022 growlog

In reply to this post by Radishrain
The first ripe fruit (MKX_B's) is yellow.

I pulled up Gold Medal, because it caught whatever Morsel_B had. I noticed the infection had been working through some leaves back when Morsel_B was alive, but it didn't cause any wilt until today. The wilt didn't affect the entire plant at once, but I sensed the pathogen may have been throughout the plant, due to a slightly faded look.
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Radishrain Radishrain
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Re: Radishrain's 2022 growlog

In reply to this post by Radishrain
The plants were looking extra thirsty (with some exceptions), so I watered them all (the peppers, tomatoes, and wonderberries). They look happy now. I water the peppers every two days, though; so, I'm not even close to dry farming them.

v22_A10 has two ripe fruits on it! This is fascinating, since it was the last of the three Galapagos Island volunteers in its row to set fruit. That's why I didn't mention that they looked a different shade of green yesterday and the day before. I haven't picked them, yet. The other plants still have the white-ish green that the completely unripe fruits have.

I'm about to dry the seeds from the first Cilantrovaya_A fruit (that's the same plant as MKX_B if you didn't get the memo in the MKX_ tomato project thread; it has a delayed aftertaste of fresh cilantro, and an instant aftertaste of fruity-ish honey, so I made a new project out of it, combining the word cilantro with part of Medovaya, which means honey in Russian--one of its ancestors is Medovaya Kaplya, which means honey drop). These aftertastes are really smells (not flavors), FYI; so, if you plug your nose, have the flu, or have difficulty smelling, you may not notice. As the fruit wasn't ripe enough, I still need to evaluate a riper one.

Frog Princess apparently had lots of weeds growing in its spot. Considering Frog Princess is huge and has set a lot of fruit, that's pretty impressive. I pulled up all the weeds; so, I'm curious to see how it responds. It started to sprawl yesterday or today, I believe; it was already kind of a sprawling bush; so, I was a bit surprised when it went to one side.

Brandy Boy F11 (B1) has at least 12 fruits that have set on it. It's doing the best of all the Brandy Boy F11s, even though it wasn't the biggest one pre-transplant.
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Radishrain Radishrain
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Re: Radishrain's 2022 growlog

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In reply to this post by Radishrain
Yesterday: 101/70
Today: 104/67; UVI 9.6; 13% humidity at 5:57 PM
Tomorrow: 101/67; UVI 10; humidity: morning 29%, afternoon 17%, evening 36%
Monday: 93/59; UVI 10; humidity: morning 28%, afternoon 13%, evening 35%
Tuesday: 102/66; UVI 10; humidity: morning 24%, afternoon 13%, evening 36%
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Radishrain Radishrain
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Re: Radishrain's 2022 growlog

In reply to this post by Radishrain
I fertilized some plants in the ground, today. Each plant that I fertilized received about 1.5 gallons of water with 1.5 tablespoons of 24-8-16 Miracle Gro, 0.5 teaspoons manganese sulfate, and 1 tablespoon ferrous sulfate heptahydrate (that's water soluble iron). Those components seemed to mix together well. Here are the plants that I fertilized:
- Amana Orange (B1A5)
- Amana Orange (B1A6)
- Amana Orange (B1A7)
- Italian Heirloom
- Nina_B
- Nina_B0
- Roma VF (A)
- Roma VF (A0)
- Roma VF (A1)
- Snacker_C3
- Snacker_C4
- Snacker_C5
- Snacker_C6

I watered the peppers again, since it's the Sabbath tomorrow. They actually seemed to like it.

Speaking of the peppers, Big Red (A) and at least one of the Canary Bell peppers began blooming. by today.

The reason for the iron and manganese is because the soil in at least some of those locations is likely alkaline, and I want to see what kind of difference it makes. I previously gave some weeds a strong foliar spray of manganese sulfate, and the one we haven't pulled up, yet, which is a Euphorbia weed (I think it's called matted snakeweed, but I'm not sure) is really looking great. This is the kind of weed it is:
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Radishrain Radishrain
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Re: Radishrain's 2022 growlog

In reply to this post by Radishrain
By yesterday, all the peppers, except the eastmost one had set fruit. Nina_B had also set fruit.
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Radishrain Radishrain
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Re: Radishrain's 2022 growlog

In reply to this post by Radishrain
17 Jul: 100/69
18 Jul: 91/66 (I seem to remember the high actually being 93; the 91 number is from accuweather)
19 Jul: 98/55
20 Jul: 103/60
21 Jul (today): 103/65
22 Jul: 99/63
23 Jul: 99/64
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Radishrain Radishrain
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Re: Radishrain's 2022 growlog

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In reply to this post by Radishrain
14 Jul: 103/68; UVI 9.4
15 Jul: 101/70; UVI was forecasted to be 10
16 Jul: 104/67; UVI 9.6; 13% humidity at 5:57 PM
17 Jul: 100/69; UVI was forecasted to be 10 with humidity humidity: morning 29%, afternoon 17%, evening 36%
18 Jul: 91/66 (I seem to remember the high actually being 93; the 91 number is from accuweather); UVI was forecasted to be 10 with humidity morning 28%, afternoon 13%, evening 35%
19 Jul: 98/55; UVI was forecasted to be 10 with humidity morning 24%, afternoon 13%, evening 36%
20 Jul: 103/60
21 Jul (today): 103/65; UVI 9.4
22 Jul: 99/63; UVI 9.3; humidity: 23 12 27
23 Jul: 99/64; UVI 8.8; humidity: 22 10 30

By yesterday, all the peppers, except the eastmost one had set fruit. Nina_B had also set fruit.

I take back what I said about Italian Heirloom being a blunt oxheart. At least in my garden, it's a full oxheart! It's a wonder no vendor mentions its fruit shape.

All the Amana Orange tomatoes in the row of 8 have set fruit, except the westmost one, by the fence.
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Radishrain Radishrain
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Re: Radishrain's 2022 growlog

In reply to this post by Radishrain
On 19 July, I wrote this:

By yesterday, Canary Bell (A3) had set 5 fruits! (It had none when I checked on Saturday.) Canary Bell (A2) had also set a fruit.

7 out of 8 Snacker_ tomatoes are looking quite heat-tolerant; the bigger ones are setting lots of fruit. The other one hasn't set fruit, yet; I don't know if it's because of the heat (but the two smaller plants set fruit before it, and it's had flowers sitting there for a while). I'm fertilizing it well to try to speed it along.

Many of the tomatoes are looking quite heat-tolerant. Some are setting lots of fruits in the heat, so far, including (but not limited to) Cilantrovaya_A, MKX_B1, the larger Snacker_ tomatoes, Cherokee Yellow Perfection Peach, Italian Heirloom, Pearler_B, Brandy Boy F11 (B1), Roma VF (A, A0, and A1), Galapagos Island, and Broy_A1.

With Carolina Yellow, it hasn't produced a lot of flowers yet, but the ones it has produced are setting fruit nicely.

My experiment with fertilizing and caging a wispy oxheart is going excellently. (The wispy oxheart is Italian Heirloom; it's a blunt oxheart, apparently, and gets a wispy plant in my garden; it's not a cross, as I've tested multiple seed sources with the same results.) It's setting lots of fruit, probably with loads more to come, and has a nice big plant. It seems to fit better in a small cage than a non-wispy plant would. It's seeming to respond very nicely to the fertilizer added to the ground.

There are more yellow tomatoes ripening out there, as of yesterday (Cilantrovaya_A and probably the Galapagos Island tomatoes). We're letting them ripen at least a little longer, this time (but Galapagos Island tastes fine as soon as it fully yellows).
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Radishrain Radishrain
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Re: Radishrain's 2022 growlog

In reply to this post by Radishrain
I fertilized all the peppers in the ground with Miracle Gro and mangenese sulfate, we well as the potted sage, the potted chives, the potted onions, the larger potted northern catalpa tree, and the rose bush by where the Elberta peach tree used to be.

I watered the three eastmost Amana Orange tomatoes, all the Roma VF tomatoes, and the Snacker_ tomatoes west of the Roma VF tomatoes.

It's hard to tell what Cherokee Yellow Perfection Peache's official fruit shape is. Some fruits are oxheart-shaped. Some are pear-shaped. Some are plum-shaped. One is even a beefsteak shape. This seems to be further evidence that Italian Heirloom crossed with it (but I could be wrong).
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Radishrain Radishrain
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Re: Radishrain's 2022 growlog

In reply to this post by Radishrain
I tasted another Cilantrovaya_A tomato fruit, today. It was really good, actually! A lot of the perceived taste comes from the smell while eating it, but that is sweet and kind of fruity: it's also like a mix between Esterina F1 and Coyote. I liked it a lot. Speaking of Coyote, it does have kind of that wild tomato tomatine taste like Coyote does, although not as strong (but that wasn't noticeable with the previous fruit I evaluated). I sensed the flavor could develop further by letting it ripen even longer, but it didn't taste unripe.
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Radishrain Radishrain
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Re: Radishrain's 2022 growlog

In reply to this post by Radishrain
Yesterday, I noitced that all but five of the wonderberry volunteers on my garden map had ripe fruit! I'm excited. I haven't harvested them, yet. I like them as soon as they ripen, but if you leave them on longer the flavor improves further (but they get softer, too).

I didn't check the transplanted ones, but it would be unusual if they were ripe now, since those volunteers had a headstart over them.

I'm transplanting the watermelons into containers. I'm atrociously late in transplanting them (it was too cold to transplant them for a long time, but by the time I could, I was considering not doing so, since the plants didn't look so healthy, due to the soil I used), but I thought I'd do it anyway, in the containers instead of the ground. I guess we're going to solarize the soil where I planned to put them.

I took the soil out of some containers. It was super hard and didn't absorb water easily (no wonder the peppers didn't do very well in it last year); there was also moss around the sides; so, I broke it apart. Then, I mixed in fertilizer, wood ash, vinegar, lots of perlite, and water. I put in enough water for it to mix around easily before I added the perlite (it was more soil-like after that). Then I let it sit for a day. The vinegar is an experiment (the whole thing is, actually), but if nothing else, I'm sure it'll react with the wood ash. The hope was it would reduce the pH and increase nutrient availability (I know some people say such doesn't happen with vinegar, but I don't know a scientific explanation as to why it wouldn't be the case; so, I wanted to test it). I only had enough perlite for four containers; so, I probably won't have that to mix with the rest of them, yet.

We'll see how the watermelons like it. I've never grown them in 5-gallon buckets before. I've never transplanted them this late in the season before, either. It's like two months late.

I've only transplanted one so far, but there are plenty more. I plan to keep them fertilized.

The soil smelled like cruciferous vegetables after I was finished, oddly.

The wood ash smelled of iron. That's good, since I think that soil was iron-deficient.

It's supposed to be super hot for the next six or seven days (up to 107 degrees F.)
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Radishrain Radishrain
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Re: Radishrain's 2022 growlog

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Radishrain
21 Jul: 105/67
22 Jul: 100/68
23 Jul: 99/66
24 Jul: 99/69
25 Jul: 100/63
26 Jul: 104/63
27 Jul: 107/72
28 Jul (today): 107/73
29 Jul: 106/72
30 Jul: 107/73
31 Jul: 106/74
1 Aug: 99/70

The wonderberries have been starting to get ripe, as of Tuesday; some ripened on more plants on Wednesday.

I tasted some more Cilantrovaya_A tomatoes, and they tasted a lot like Medovaya Kaplay, with a little more acid. I like them a lot.

Here's the harvest count so far:
- Cilantrovaya_A: 9
- v22_A10 (Galapagos Island): 4

I think I'll go harvest some more Galapagos Island fruits (there are more--on other plants, at the very least). I ate them.

Okay, I went out and harvested 18 more (but one of them dropped and I couldn't find it). Here's the new fruit count:

- Cilantrovaya_A: 9
- Galapagos Island (v22_A8 through A10): 22
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Radishrain Radishrain
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Re: Radishrain's 2022 growlog

In reply to this post by Radishrain
I posted this on August 6th on TomatoJunction:

Well, the wonderberries are quite prolific, this year, early on. Usually for the first harvest we get like a few to twenty berries, and then gradually more after that a few times, and then a lot more after that until the end of the season. However, on only my third harvest, I'm getting a whole lot of them! :) I've already filled a gallon freezer bag.

There are lots of ripe tomatoes outside that I should pick soon.

Here's my harvested fruit count:
- Cherokee Yellow Perfection Peach: 1
- Cilantrovaya_A: 20
- Galapagos Island: 30
- MKX_B1: 2
- Roma VF (A0): 0; 1 BER
- Snacker_B0: 4

I harvested the Cherokee Yellow Perfection Peach tomato on Friday, and my suspicion was right: It is a cross (probably with Italian Heirloom). The fruit is red (and oxheart-shaped). It's still somewhat fuzzy (not as fuzzy), but it doesn't taste like Cherokee Yellow Perfection Peach. It's good, though, but a totally different taste. The plant is semi-wispy, but not as wispy as Italian Heirloom. So, I should probably give it a project name now, so we don't confuse it with the true Cherokee Yellow Perfection Peach. I think I'll call the project Vethus_, and this year's plant, Vethus_A (the name was randomly generated, and had no prior meaning). It's regular leaf, as were Cherokee Yellow Perfection Peach and Italian Heirloom.
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
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