Pink Cheeks tomato

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Posted by Radishrain Radishrain
This thread refers to the Pink Cheeks tomato as sold at Double Helix Farms. Pink Cheeks is possibly a translated name for the Rozovyye Shchechki tomato, which is also known as Pink Cheeks (however, the pictured fruits look a little redder than mine in 2016, which were the same color as German Pink and Chapman; they weren't by any means as dark and raspberry-ish as Malinovoe Chudo, which I also grew in 2016, and I believe they did have yellow shoulders at times).

I grew the Pink Cheeks tomato in 2016, both in the ground and in a container. The plant in the ground was one of my favorite tomatoes, that year. It tasted just like Chapman (a great taste for tuna sandwiches), but it had a softer texture, and much smaller (but still large) fruits. It was juicier than Chapman. The plant had a low, crawling bush-type habit. It produced well.

If I remember correctly, Pink Cheeks was remarkable in that the fruits ripened quickly after they started setting.

I grew it again in 2017, but it didn't have enough sun, and it was crowded. It didn't produce that year.

I'm growing two plants this year. One from seeds I saved from the 2016 plant grown in a container, and another from the original seed packet (from

Note that I would have grown seeds from the one grown in the ground instead of the one in the container, but I froze those seeds in the fruits experimentally, and from growouts of other such frozen fruits I've tried, they're probably not viable anymore.

Here are the plants I'm growing, this year. These pictures were taken on 27 May 2020.

Plant from seeds from
Pink Cheeks tomato plant from seeds from

Plant from my saved seeds:
Pink Cheeks tomato plant from my saved seeds.


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Re: Pink Cheeks tomato

Here are some fruits from my plant grown from among the seeds that I saved in 2016 (from the container-grown plant). The taste was very good, and much more potent than before; it had similqr qualities, but wasn't exactly the same. The fruits were much firmer, with more durable skin, this time. The fruits were smaller, and shaped differently, without yellow shoulders. The fruits are a darker pink. I'm unclear as to whether this is a cross, or if these are just the effecrs of the different growing conditions. The fruits perhaps look shinier and waxier, this year.

Pink Cheeks tomato fruits, whole. Not sure if these are an accidental cross. 25 Aug 2020.
Pink Cheeks tomato fruit, sliced in two. I'm not sure if this is an accidental cross. 25 August 2020.

The other fruits looked similar cut in two.
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
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