Getting startedWhat to do:
1. Register.
2. Log in.
3. Post in the
Support forum stating that you consent to all of the content in the
Rules and Information forum, and that you understand and are aware of the information therein. Then I may make you a member, at which time you may begin to post in most forums. This step is to filter out the spambots and those who would cause problems by being offended by the rules. If you just want to subscribe to threads or vote on polls, you don't have to become a full member.
Tips and information:
• When uploading images the normal way, I recommend choosing Big Size, but you can pick.
• In order to upload multiple images at once you can upload them to a third party service, like (the IBB button takes you there) and paste the html into your post.
• Manually subscribe to threads where you want email notification. I don't think posting a thread or replying to one automatically subscribes you. Alternatively, you can subscribe to all threads in a specific forum (individual emails or as a digest).
• Some HTML tags work in posts. BBCode does not.
• Some websites have Recent Threads and Recent Posts links. Ours does not. Use Topics View, atom feeds, and/or email subscriptions instead.
USDA hardiness zone: 6