Corner watermelons

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Posted by Radishrain Radishrain
I have a spot where I'm growing watermelon where I lost the tag. They're some of my largest. I'd suspect that they were Congo cross, except all of my Congo crosses are accounted for. They could be Verona, but they'd probably be ripe by now if so. They have dark green, solid-color rinds. One fruit is long and one is round. Verona is round.

I'm going to Nickname them Corner watermelons, for now, since they're growing on the southeast corner of the patch and they're doing well there.

They must be Verona. Everything else seems accounted for. However, they're different enough from Verona that I'm still going to call them Corner. They're probably a cross. Since I don't know the matriarchal ancestor, I plan to treat this generation as the starting point for it. I'll have Corner Round, and Corner Long.


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Radishrain Radishrain
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Corner Round

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Here's the Corner Round watermelon, harvested today:
Corner Round watermelon, whole, with hand to help see the size.
Corner Round watermelon, whole.
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Radishrain Radishrain
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Re: Corner Round

I just put Corner Round in the refrigerator. It's up to eat next (after we're done with Santo Domingo Winter or so).
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Radishrain Radishrain
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Re: Corner Round

This post was updated on .
We got hungry for watermelon and are eating Corner Round now. It has some open portions inside. It has a very thick rind (as well as one that is firm in the fashion of winter watermelons). It has blackish mottled brown seeds, like those of a standard grocery store watermelon, but larger, with more black. The flesh is good. Not one of my favorites for taste, but it is nonetheless quite good. The juice is very tasty, and it might be among my favorites for the taste of the juice. The rind is dense, but the flesh is not. I have few ideas as to what matriarchal ancestor it really has. Maybe a Verona cross (maybe with Black Diamond, Tom Watson x King Winter, one of last year's volunteers, a Congo cross, or a Weeks NC Giant cross).

Here's a slice of it that I'm about to eat:
Sliced Corner Round watermelon. It has red flesh and dark seeds. It is in a dish with a metal utensil. Jalapeno peppers may be seen to the right of it. It is on a wooden table.

Here's an end of it (we already ate a significant portion):
Sliced Corner Round watermelon on a countertop next to a large bread knife. The fruit has red flesh, and dark seeds.
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Radishrain Radishrain
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Corner Long

In reply to this post by Radishrain
Corner Long was ripe yesterday. I gave it to a friend (RF) who intends to save some seeds for me, and let me know how it tastes, I believe he said.
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
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