Amana Orange tomato

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Posted by Radishrain Radishrain
Here's a picture of the Amana Orange tomato that I'm growing this year, from Marsha's seed offer at TomatoJunction, this year. I've grown it from another source before, and liked it (however, it may have been crossed with a pink tomato then, and I thought I ran out of seeds).

Amana Orange tomato plant.


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Radishrain Radishrain
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Re: Amana Orange tomato

I just had my first ripe Amana Orange tomato of the year. It was small and had zippering, but it was very delicious, again, and did not taste like a typical orange tomato. I must conclude, however, that it wasn't a good candidate for practically dry farming, with no fertilizer or soil amendments, with black plastic. The plant isn't producing much, and the fruit was undersized. The fruit was firm; the taste was not exactly the same as without black plastic (the taste was more intense). It was more peach-like, too, but not the same kind of peach-like as other orange tomatoes where I've said they were peach-like. I didn't save seeds from that fruit.
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
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